Our division play "GTG League" was launched in January 2023. You play singles matches on weekday evenings at the Norion Bank Arena in Danderyd. We accept 48 players, with men and women mixed based on skill level in eight divisions. During each round, you'll play five singles matches against other players in your division. Then, we'll see who has placed highest and who has placed lowest in each division. The top two players in each division will move up to the next division, and the bottom two will move down in the next round.
Matches will take place on weekdays between 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM, with each match lasting 60 minutes, including warm-up time. Players are responsible for bringing their own Wilson US Open tennis balls, as well as reporting match results in Backhandsmash.
Price: SEK 4295/term
Member Price: SEK 3795/term
Member with playing right price: SEK 2295/term
Court rental and administration for the league are included.
To sign up for GTG League, email It's first come, first served – you do not need to be a member of Good to Great to participate. Please include your age and skill level from 1-5.