NIU Padel

Good to Great x Danderyds Gymnasium x Swedish Padel Federation

In order to develop Swedish padel, Good to Great has had a collaboration since autumn 2019 with Danderyds gymnasium and the Swedish Padel Association. A fantastic opportunity so that young talents can combine their padel with studies at a high academic level.

The padel training is conducted at Good to Great and is part of the NIU program that takes place three mornings a week during school hours.


The training gives you every opportunity to develop your padel skills while studying a college preparatory program. A prerequisite for studying this program is that you are considered to be athletically eligible for the education.

There are only a limited number of places available. In addition, you must have grades that enable you to apply for an education that can be combined with the padel program.

The training includes, among other things:

  • Individual padel skills

  • Methods in offensive and defensive zones

  • Sports psychology

  • Leadership

  • Exercise and nutrition

  • Treatment of sports injuries

Educational Program

You can combine NIU Padel with the following educational programs:

- The economics program focuses on economics, specialization in international economics

- The natural science program, specialization natural science

- The social sciences program specialization in behavioral science, in-depth leadership

- The technical program focusing on design and product development


The application to NIU Padel and Danderyd gymnasium is made in two stages. One requirement is that you must first be admitted to one of the programs that can be combined with NIU Padel. The second part consists of an application with a personal letter about why you want to be admitted to the program as well as about your club training, coaches and your credentials. This should be sent via e-mail to Jonas Bergdahl Lindkvist (, who is the person responsible for the NIU program at Danderyd Gymnasium. Afterwards, you will be invited to a test game at Good to Great to assess your level of play. For more information or questions, contact


Responsible coaches for NIU Padel are Joel Åkerlund and Jonas Bergdahl Lindkvist.

You will be supported by well-trained coaches who will help you plan and follow up your studies and your sports throughout your education.